Privacy Enhancing Technologies: From Buff to Ruff—The Tale of PETs in the Swole Doge vs. Cheems Meme
Curious about what happened to the bold privacy ideals of yesteryears? Just ask Swole Doge and Cheems, the meme legends who hilariously illustrate the fall from grace of Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs) over the decades. Spoiler alert: it's a bit like watching your favorite superhero turn into a couch potato.
At CyberPrivacyProtecTech, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to revisit the golden age of PETs—back when they were the Arnold Schwarzeneggers of the digital world. Fast forward to 2024, and what do we see? PETs looking more like your out-of-shape uncle who still talks about “the good ol’ days” while indulging in another round of complacency.
To highlight this sad but true evolution, we’ve crafted a meme starring Swole Doge and Cheems, who perfectly capture the dramatic shift in privacy tech from 1980 to 2024. Buckle up, because it’s a wild ride from hero to zero.
1. Swole Doge (PETs 1980):
The left side of the meme showcases Swole Doge, our privacy hero from the 1980s. Back then, PETs were ripped—both in function and form. Swole Doge is holding the fort with the confidence of a linebacker, proclaiming, "Here are all the [cryptographic] protocols and source codes"—a nod to the open-minded, open-source ethos of the time. Researchers weren’t just thinking outside the box; they threw the box away and shared the blueprints with everyone. Next, Swole Doge proudly states that these protocols "guarantee USER data is private"—emphasizing how the static digital information was kept under lock and key. Finally, he boasts that "USER communication is untraceable," reflecting the cutting-edge cybersecurity approach to securing the flow of information. PETs in 1980 were like bouncers at the exclusive "No Surveillance Allowed" nightclub—nothing shady was getting past the velvet ropes, or else!
2. Cheems (PETs 2024):
But oh, how the mighty have fallen. Enter Cheems, the underwhelming mascot of modern-day PETs when "Everything in cyberspace can be collected, traced, and hacked." In 2024, Cheems can barely muster a weak, "The [data] COLLECTORS are guaranteed protection," as opposed to Swole Doge's "USER data protection." In this iteration, privacy is more of a ceremonial gesture, reflecting a world where data collection is viewed as an essential element of modern commerce—far removed from its original safeguarding principles. Cheems then laments that Big Tech is spared a blow, provided they’ve "polished the protocols." Here, "polished" subtly points to the artful sidestepping that appeases bureaucratic rigor, yet distances itself from the unbreakable zero-trust protocols envisioned by PETs' founders. Instead of courting up to USERS, data collectors have chosen to apple-polish the formal compliance protocols (as opposed to Swole dog cryptographic protocols)—more a gesture to satisfy regulatory rituals than a genuine commitment to security, with oversight often lacking the rigor to prevent inevitable breaches. To sum up, our Cheems PET is basically that mall security guard too absorbed in his distractions to notice the guy walking off with a TV. Why bother, when his role is merely to provide a semblance of diligence post-incident, confident that the insurance will smooth things over.
Where Swole Doge PETs excelled in prevention—actively blocking data collection before it could even begin—Cheems has resigned to merely containing the disorder. It’s the difference between having a guard dog and a chihuahua with anxiety issues. Sure, Cheems might bark at the data collectors, but at the end of the day, he’s just hoping they follow the rules once they’re inside.
Connecting the Meme to the Bigger Picture:
The meme is more than just a laugh—it’s a mirror reflecting how PETs have gone from superheroes to formalists. A quaterback Swole Doge grandpa was out there breaking kneecaps (metaphorically, of course) to keep your data safe. A nowdays hipster Cheems, on the other hand, is raising a concern after the damage is done, with little assurance that it will receive the attention it deserves.
In 1980, PETs were about prevention—stopping data collection dead in its tracks, like Wayne Gretzky on the ice, always one step ahead and anticipating every move. Today? They’re more like a polite office memo asking data collectors to please not misuse your information. It’s not just a shift—it’s a full-on retreat.
The Takeaway:
So, what’s the moral of this meme? Well, it’s a call to action—time to get those PETs back in the gym, so to speak. We need to remind ourselves of the original mission: to protect data by stopping its collection at the source, not just giving it a shiny sticker that says "Handle with Care" after its privacy has already been broken.
If you are ready take control of your Cyber Privacy in Clint Eastwood style action, we are here to hold your back! We present our vision of 2024 cyber privacy technologies and invite you to get acquainted with the services we propose at CyberPrivacyProtecTech.
As we continue to navigate the wild west of cyberspace, it’s clear that the Swole Doge mentality needs a comeback. Because let’s be honest—Cheems might be cute, but when it comes to privacy, we would prefer a vigilant guardian over a passive observer.